Spiritual Life

Dakar Academy Schools welcome students from around the world, with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Each person is on a faith journey and we want to walk alongside our students as they seek answers to some of life’s biggest questions. As a Christian educational institution, our vision is to produce well-rounded students whose Christian worldview permeates all aspects of their lives. We want our students to have an opportunity to choose Christ and to grow strong in their spiritual walk. To that end, we offer a variety of programs, ministries and service opportunities for all of our students and staff, on campus, in our communities and beyond.


Da Central

  • Chapel – weekly services for worship and spiritual encouragement

  • Youth Group – weekly evening gatherings for worship, fellowship, encouragement

  • Small Group – weekly small group gatherings for fellowship and spiritual growth/encouragement

  • One-to-One Discipleship - a staff-student spiritual mentorship and discipleship opportunity 

  • Sunday Worship – weekly worship services at Central Campus 

  • Spiritual Emphasis Week – an annual event to encourage and challenge students in their walk with Christ

  • Annual Youth Retreat – an annual weekend event for High School & Middle School focusing on spiritual growth and encouragement

  • Elementary Camp - an annual, 1-day event for Elementary grades focusing on spiritual growth and encouragement

  • Youth Worship Band – Student-led worship band for youth group meetings and chapel

  • Kids’ Club & Best Buds – two programs designed to give older students opportunities to build relationships with elementary students through a mentoring discipleship relationship.


  • Chapel – weekly services for worship and spiritual encouragement

  • Snack ‘n Chat for Middle School – weekly small group gatherings for fellowship and spiritual growth/encouragement

  • Hosting ICF’s Youth Group for Middle School– weekly evening gatherings for worship, fellowship, encouragement

  • Sunday Worship – invited to join weekly worship services at Central Campus or ICF, which meets at West Campus

  • Annual Middle School Retreat – an annual weekend event for Middle School focusing on spiritual growth and encouragement

  • Elementary Camp - an annual, 1-day event for Elementary grades focusing on spiritual growth and encouragement

  • Youth Worship Band – Student-led worship band for chapel


  • Chapel – weekly services for worship and spiritual encouragement

  • Sunday Worship – weekly worship services at South Campus 

Service Opportunities

Dakar Students use soccer to create relationships with locals in Senegal.

Sports Outreach

Sports have the ability to connect people in a way that very few things can. Athletes have a unique opportunity to bring their faith into their sport. At Dakar Academy Schools, our sports teams—soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball—serve as a bridge across language and culture for our athletes to share their Christian faith with others, both on and off our campus.

Students work with missionaries to serve rural villages in Senegal.


Dakar Academy Schools received an Outstanding Achievement Award from the Association of Christian Schools International for its annual on-the-field ministry projects. Our primary goal for this experience is for high school students to grow in their faith through a culturally appropriate project serving a rural Senegalese community. Prior to the project, students participate in discipleship studies and are challenged in their spiritual growth. By gaining first-hand insights, our students connect with life in Senegal beyond Dakar and to foster a broader understanding of the global community. 

Students participate in community service at Dakar Academy.


Loving our neighbors through service to others is a key tenet of our Christian faith, and we want our students to engage in assisting local communities and ministries even from an early age as part of growth in Christian discipleship. These volunteer activities have included beach clean-ups, administrative tasks for non-profits, neighborhood gardening projects, book drives, clothing drives and more.